Heart, Rationality, Emotions, Filters, Fear, Thoughts…
Why do we cherish more what we have the moment we lose it? It is something I’ve always wondered about… Is it in the human nature? Is our heart too afraid to speak its mind? Do we get too comfortable with what we have, desiring what we cannot achieve yet? Do we end up feeling entitled to what we get in life?
When we are facing loss, one searches for everything to get that time back, to sense that scent again, to feel that sweet and warm embrace, to hear that special laughter one more time. But if there is one thing Life has taught us is that TIME doesn’t turn back. It’s up to you to make everything in your life count, to embrace and love and express your feelings to those whom you hold dear.
Why is it so hard to stop waiting for that face to face moment, to just pick up the phone and send that message to your special friend, partner, cousin, mentor, business partner or whatever role that person plays in your life? To just call when we see that life keeps getting in the way and the other one is distracted? Why is it so hard to say that we are grateful for having them in our lives and to do everything we can to keep them there? These people are so rare so we should be doing everything we can to hold them close to us!
”Time passes. That’s the rule. No matter what happens, no matter how much it might feel like everything in your life has been frozen around one particular moment, time marches on.” (Cynthia Hand)
…Why do we cherish more what we have the moment we lose it, and we get so vocal about our feelings when the other walks out of our life?
Probably because we are overthinkers! We inhale and exhale thoughts, we analyze, we keep everything to ourselves! We create stories in our mind, thinking about what it would be like, or what the other one will feel when he/she would hear about our appreciation, about how special they are for us. We are so wounded that we are too afraid to lose anything else in the process, which is why we don’t realize that silence can sometimes mean losing everything we had. Would they go away and take those feelings with them, leaving us in pain?
We let our eyes talk in our place and find it confusing to read between the lines, but we never dare to unleash the fire that has always been captured between them. We are too stubborn and, also too afraid to risk it all and break the bond that already exists, if it exists. Everything in life comes with a price and sometimes, that price is an expensive one!
We aim for the Goal, but we forget to embrace the Journey. We aim for Love, but we are too afraid to let our hearts feel it. We aim for Connections, but we are too afraid to speak our minds with no filters.
“We are all the pieces of what we remember.
We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.”
(Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire)
What is it that we are really afraid of? Are we truly afraid of what the other person might feel or how his/her life might change after hearing our thoughts or are we afraid of uncovering a new person behind the mask we wear every single day and that portrays us as the cold, distant and unbreakable being?
Because we don’t look inside, because we don’t love ourselves and we don’t pay attention to those who really care about us.
Life is beautiful, do yourself a favor and live it!
Wonderful comment! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts with me! I am grateful!
Un articol profund…ai mare talent la scris ! Felicitari !
Ma bucura mult cuvintele tale si ma onoreaza!
Because we don’t know anymore to love, we are afraid. Because we think we are imortal and Take all for granted.
Lovley and so true said!
We don’t have the courage to enjoy the little things, to believe, to love and be loved. That’s why we are so afraid.
Fix dupa miezul noptii am ajuns pe blog-ul tau si pot spune ca are un farmec aparte! 🙂
Mi-a plăcut mult articolul tau. Felicitări!
Eu am invatat ca nu conteaza ceea ce cred altii si ca cel mai usor imi este sa fac exact asa cum simt fara sa tin cont de altveva.
We are not capavle of loving and we are afraid to get hurt or that the feelings will change over the years.
Frică de noi, frică de dragoste, frica de a nu fi răniți. Am uitat să fim sinceri și să iubim necondiționat!
Un articol foarte profund si foarte interesant. L-am citit cu drag
”Time passes. That’s the rule. No matter what happens…” este realitatea pe care o vedem uneori prea tarziu.
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
Nu stiu daca expunerea mea de ganduri va ajunge la tine,cu riscul de a produce o exagerare pseudo-filosofica, simt nevoia, sa fac si eu o mica incursiune a Fiintei, in urma parcurgerii acestui articol care iti apartine..Asadar, da,este un proces de expunere in care devii subiect central, iar asta intr-o cultura progresiv decadenta a spiritului uman, sa-i marturisesti cuiva sentimentele tale de iubire, de respect profund, de veneratie, ofera prilejul altora de a te submina,de a te zadarnici.Sunt enorm de multe determinatii care intra intr-un spectru amplu de categorii in acest procedeu de lirism verbalizat.O categorie este cea culturala,care ii ofera individului uman tipare specifice de dozaj al intensitatii emotionale si metode de interpretare a ceea ce acesta simte,incat ca si exemplu, in anumite culturi si spatii geografice oamenii isi pot expune sentimentele mai direct si necosmetizate de atitudini robuste, iar in alte culturi se manifesta contrariul.
Insa, ce as vrea eu sa scot in evidenta,iar aici risc sa devin putin melancolic, este un tipul de iubire care te sugruma si care iti aduce lirismul la o stare de paroxism.Adesea consider ca asta este singura modalitate prin care fara voia ta te dezbraci de un ego indezirabil si ingenuchezi in fata celui de langa tine, constient de finitudinea si evanescenta lui si a ta, simti ca orice clipa ulterioara poate fi un pasaj inexorabil catre a nu Fi, si pentru tine dar si pentru el.Acela este momentul in care declaratia de dragoste echivaleaza cu Absolutul.
Oare cati dintre noi mai traim astfel de momente ?
Uitam adesea sa ne marturisim unii in fata altora fiindca uitam de moarte,uitam cine suntem.Angrenati exagerat intr-o dinamica odioasa si zilnica, interesele noastre sociale par sa ne aseze mintea pe un tron de consumator imbuibat cu nevoi materiale,secatuiti de lupta zilnica de a fi integrati intr-un social profund materialist.Uitam sa formulam iubirea in franturi de dialect cand cele mai intime resorturi isi trag seva din seductiile palpabilului,a materiei.Si cand cel de langa tine pe care l-ai omis in a-l identifica cu amorul Divinului fata de tine, dispare din peisajul tau zilnic,deodata te trezesti ca ruptura mortii,a distantei, a tacerii absolute, iti produce regrete..