by admin | Jul 12, 2021 | Reviews
“Sometimes, a story is best told with a scent.” And because all of us deserve to have our own perfume, Miss Kay created fragrances for every type of experience. They have chosen scents that express a woman’s personality, scents one can feel and see....
by admin | May 21, 2021 | Reviews
”Your skin is like a map, enjoy its journey and learn to discover its mysteries along the way!” Deși nu o pățesc prea des, iată că acum am unul dintre rarele momente în care cuvintele îmi scapă printre degete. Dacă stau să analizez cu atenție, cred că pot spune cu...
by admin | Feb 9, 2021 | Reviews
How do you feel about expressing yourself freely, about being sophisticated and elegant wherever you want? Reverse your ways and step up your game, because you are powerful! There’s a real power in heels and a good dress. (Talulah Riley) I always loved wearing...
by admin | Nov 27, 2020 | Reviews, Uncategorized
“Give your skin a little love!” In fact, we should give ourselves as a whole – mind, body, soul – more love! I don’t know about you, but when things get crazy, I tend to put myself at the end of the “to-do” list. With all my...
by admin | Nov 22, 2020 | Reviews
You can shine no matter the time or the circumstances, as long as you want it! And while you are powerful enough to create your own life, just like that, every scent can help you tell a story! It creates the perfect surroundings for a new fairytale to unravel....
by admin | Dec 17, 2019 | Reviews
„Eleganta este atunci cand interiorul este la fel de frumos ca exteriorul.” Eleganță și simplitate – două însușiri care au traversat bariera timpului și au rămas fundamentate în imaginea feminității. Indiferent cât de puternice suntem ca femei, avem nevoie de...