"Writing is both mask and unveiling"

I always loved writing down whatever came into my mind. I felt free. I felt understood. It was always there for me and has always allowed me to live whatever life I wanted: my inner souls, the ones I keep locked in my body and in my mind, my angels and my demons all together.

The allure of darkness

Under the Full Moon

Under the Full Moon

Under the potent influence of the Full Moon, look deep inside yourself and find that bright shining light within you. Fill yourself with cleansing energy!

Embracing shadows

Embracing shadows

There are times when all we need is to be able to talk to ourselves… to just look deep inside us and try to figure out what is going on in there! Are we happy where we are, are we happy about the people which surround us, are we proud of the person we’ve become?

Untamed spirit

Untamed spirit

The one that knows how to listen to such beauty will always find oneself way back to reconnect with its ancestors…We all have inside us an untamed spirit!

Who lies beneath the mask?

I’m a 29-year-old woman, passionate about writing and life in general. My name is Larisa and I live in Bucharest, Romania. Proud wife and mother of a  six-year-old girl, addicted to organizing and planning, I find my guilty pleasure in late nights’ inspiration, when I can free my thoughts and create stories.


Shine by Night from LR, the perfume of a star

Shine by Night from LR, the perfume of a star

It’s the beauty and the mystery of the night that makes a woman experience every moment even more intensively. It is in those moments that we reconnect with our seductive side, feminine and glowy as the stars in the sky.
With jasmine, tuberose and also warm vanilla accords, the Shine by Night Perfume awakens your inner queen!

Eleganta si Simplitate cu L’Oreal

Eleganta si Simplitate cu L’Oreal

Eleganță și simplitate – două însușiri care au traversat bariera timpului și au rămas fundamentate în imaginea feminității. Indiferent de cât de puternice suntem ca femei, avem nevoie de acea aură de inocență și senzualitate, iar cei de la L’Oreal au ținut mereu cont de aceste aspecte atunci când au venit cu noutăți în materie de make up.

Propunerea Sensiblu pentru o vacanta reusita

Propunerea Sensiblu pentru o vacanta reusita

O vacanta reusita inseamna liniste sufleteasca, relaxare si descoperirea unor noi meleaguri. Farmacia Sensiblu, in colaborare cu cei de la Buzzstore s-au gandit la kitul perfect si usor de transportat.

Ritualul Biome, inspirat de microbiomul uman

Ritualul Biome, inspirat de microbiomul uman

Principii active naturale, acizii grași extrași din cocos, uleiul de cătină și Vitamina E împreună cu sărurile și aminoacizii extractului pur de nămol terapeutic sunt super-alimentele necesare pentru frumusețea și strălucirea naturală a pielii și avem norocul că cei de la Pellamar s-au gândit să le pună laolaltă în serviciul tenului nostru.

My Life

Thoughts about her

Thoughts about her

She is the best mentor I could have had, as I see in her things I felt but I was too afraid to set free. She shows me the happiness that exists in the little things and teaches me, unconditional love!

“Don’t forget – no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories you have to tell.” (Charles de Lint)